Just forget what I said earlier. Steady those hands and make some sharp outlines!

Part 7 of 9

Sketch and lineart of Steeler from Street Pedal Black

Watch more professional wrestling.

Sketch and lineart of Keeya from Street Pedal Black

I think I drew this on the back of a gas bill.

Yep, finally. Now you’ve seen and experienced what every other artist has to do to get to this part. They do it to create the quality you expect from a professional. Now, should you choose to accept this mission, it’s your turn.

This is as far as I can take you in this short tutorial, so it’s up to you on how you create your art from here. You can make outlines using a darker pencil, like a standard HB lead or one that’s 2B, 3B, and so on.

You can also choose to ink your pics: That’s where you go over your sketch with the concentration I made you hate earlier. Well, now you can embrace that again, but even that takes time to get right. You can also keep your sketch the way it is and color inside it if you want. So many possibilities—go make your mark.

And then (only) go to copyright.gov to register those marks. For real. Do that. I mean it.

Adapted from DeForrest: Volume One, 2015


Baptism by Fire: Your art will be thoroughly broiled before gently sauteed.


No, seriously. You really are sketching way too much! Accessories not included.